A Crafty and Perfect Mom, Part Deux

25 07 2011

Arrrrr, ye wenches and salty dogs...

Perhaps you read my post, A Crafty and Perfect Mom, in which I lied about having helped my son hand paint an umbrella.

In all actuality, some very talented and craftier people than me spearheaded that project. They carried it out too. Let’s be honest here. I picked him up from their camp and he handed me the umbrella. I carried it home. That’s the extent of my contribution.

At the risk of not being believed due to the aforementioned lie, I really did make these invitations to Asher’s upcoming pirate-themed birthday party.

It’s not unusual for me to have a clever idea. What’s very unusual is for me to actually come up with the time, energy and motivation to carry it out.

So basically, I’m a crafty and perfect mom in theory. In reality, ummm, mistakey.

But I made pirate party invitations that I must say are pretty damn crafty and perfect.

Let’s see if the party turns out to be more than juice boxes and a cake that got smushed in the car on the way home from Walmart.



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