Mommy’s a Princess

19 06 2011

This is at Mardi Gras...not a pageant.

Yesterday morning:

“Mommy’s pretty.” — Asher

Yesterday afternoon:

“Mommy’s a princess.” — Asher

Oh, how little boys love their mommies. I want to hug him, and hold him, and warp him so he will never leave me.



5 responses

19 06 2011
Ninja Mom

Yes! I want Roo to be so mommy-damaged that he never leaves the basement. Um, yikes. No, but at least he’ll come visit a lot? (The basement is yours, kiddo, no matter what daddy says.)

19 06 2011

I can totally relate to this…..and then they grow up and join a band 🙂

19 06 2011

Thank you for warping him for me ; )
He’s a good husband, and dad!!! You did your job well!!

19 06 2011
Heather Slay James

They become teenagers Suzanne and you will be grateful to see a college dorm in their future. Enjoy this time! It won’t last! In just a few years you will become the stupidest person on the planet to him, it is nice being brilliant mommy now. They eventually figure out you are not the stupidest person on the planet, but it happens…And Mommy is beautiful! he’s lucky to have you!

19 06 2011

Let me live in my happy, princess world for now : )

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